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Work Related Stress

Work-related stress is not always the easiest of workplace hazards to identify. But being aware of the potential risks, and moving pro-actively to prevent stress taking hold, will help minimize the chances of stress-related illness.

Some workplace hazards are obvious: when there is a risk of physical injury in the workplace, it can be relatively easy to identify and address. But work can also carry risks to mental health.

About the Course:

This program examines the various ways stress can affect members of an organization as well as potential methods for combating it.

Topics included in the program:

  • What is Work-related Stress?
  • The Causes of Stress
  • Preventing Work-Related Stress

Who it’s for:

It is necessary for every workplace to foster an environment of civility and respect. Everyone working in an organization is responsible for developing this kind of culture, both by displaying civility to their co-workers, and implementing policies that prevent conflicts from festering and getting out of control.

Addressing environmental factors can have a significant effect on work-related stress. Ensuring all staff are comfortable in their workspace is central to managing stress. This can mean installing brighter or less harsh lighting, improving ventilation, installing heating or air conditioning, or restructuring the workspace to allow people more space to work in.

Video Running Time:
11 minutes

Course Contents

Video Training 3 - Icon - Small - Blue

Safety Training Video

On-demand safety video accompanied by supplemental material to form a complete safety video training program.

Assessments 2 - Icon - Small - Blue

Facilitator's Guide

Accompanying documentation includes facilitator’s framework, video transcript, exercises and a multiple-choice assessment questionnaire.

Assessments 1 - Icon - Small - Blue

Safety Assessment

Course includes a 10-part multiple-choice safety quiz. Participants can take the assessment as is, or the questions can be modified to suit your requirements.

Results Clipboard - Icon - Small - Blue

Course Certificate

Participants can print a completion certificate and training progress is stored centrally in Safetyhub to track your participant engagement KPI.

Get access to this video course and all the features of Safetyhub with a subscription.

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About Safetyhub

Safetyhub helps organisations deliver improved workplace safety training with online safety videos and LMS tools. Safetyhub has been providing safety video learning solutions and high-quality safety video content for over 25 years.

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